Gratification Control Guideline

Bearing high professionalism, independency, integrity and sustainability, PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk settles the anti-Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism as top priority in the corporate management. Equipped with such enthusiasm, the management continuously undertakes any possible efforts to fight each of them including gratification control.

The Gratification Control guideline is expected to strengthen the Company’s GCG implementation and to serve as a reference for all personnel of PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk with regards to with third parties. The guideline is part of the Company’s GCG enforcement instrument content which conformable with GCG guideline, Code of Ethics, and performance governance of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk


  1. Giving gifts and entertainment
    Every personnel of PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk is not allowed, directly or indirectly, to give or offer any gratification to any parties that correlatively has business affiliation or appears to be a competitor in which the gratification is undertaken to obtain information, or other illegal means that are prohibited by the Laws, or to manipulate a particular party either for doing or forbearing to do any act in relation to the authority invested in present position/capacity.
  2. Receiving gifts and entertainment
    Every personnel of PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk due to his/her capacity and/or nucleus family members (husband/wife, children) is not allowed directly or indirectly to accept or obtain any gratification from any party that correlatively has business affiliation or appears to be a competitor in which the gratification is undertaken to obtain information, or other illegal purpose that is prohibited by the Laws, or to manipulate a particular party either for doing or forbearing to do any act in relation to the authority invested in present position/capacity. Any gifts and or form of entertainment offered I na way not in accordance to this Guideline shall be politely rejected, explaining the reason thereof to the affected parties.
  3. Gratification as bribery
    Gratification will be considered as bribery when:
    -  Gratification is related to particular authority/capacity of any personnel of PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk
    -  Gratification of gifts and entertainment is not declared to Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) within 30 days of receiving.
    -  Gratification is contradicted with the liability and/or duty of PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk's personnel.
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